eBook: Retromania by Simon Reynolds published ISBN Edizioni

For ISBN Edizioni has been created the eBooks in ePub format of the book: Retromania by Simon Reynolds.

  • Punto Acuto Colophon in Retromania – iPad

Punto-Acuto Colophon Retromania
This epub was made ​​to hold on as much as possible the layout of the printed book, adapting to the characteristics of the ePub format. In this way, for example, box “focus on” have been kept and structurally optimized. Box has a different font compared to that used in the rest of the text. With this ad-hoc formatting has been kept the peculiarities of the book and its aesthetic.

  • Structure of Retromania on iPhone

Were inserted link notes, hyperlinks and has been kept outside all the formatting of the original text, included small capitals.

  • Structure Retromania on iPhone

Retromania small capitals
Link to ISBN Edizioni website.

Cover Retromania
Category: eBook
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