eBook: aut aut 338 review of philosophy and culture
Punto Acuto has created the eBooks in ePub format of review “aut aut”, of philosophy and culture.
Pdf aut aut 338
EPub version was respected architecture dell’impaginato paper, maintaining the distinction between fonts with serifs and those without (as you can see in the first image below) and any special formatting.
Font “aut aut”
One of the paper is the specific dell’impaginato drop caps, which in the ePub version was returned with the same features graphic image, but not by resorting to a specific property in stylesheet the ebook to ensure that the drop cap is adapted to the different font size decided by the reader.
Often trying to change the size of a text using the functions dell’ereader, please note that some elements do not follow the natural scaling, but remain fixed. This is because often text elements that were original nell’impaginato properly formatted, are then converted into images deliberately during the conversion to ePub. This solution, paradoxically, may be considered at first a good compromise (for example when you have special diacritics, and so is not the correct glyph in the font free, or in case of special initials). But it is always advisable to use text characters as long as they are available, to avoid a botched mingling of elements.
Drop caps “aut aut”