eBook: Mercanti dell’Opera edito il Saggiatore

Punto acuto has made the eBook, in format ePub, of Mercanti dell’opera by Stefano Baia Curioni publisher byil Saggiatore. It’s wise very complex, full of images and tables. All the images have been processed so that make them resizable for Adobe Digital Edition® and the other ereader.

The tables are very special. Some very complex, with 12 columns. Have been processed so that make them readable on a small ereader, as iPhone, both horizontally and vertically. It was maintained la structure and also the color. Some cells were highlighted with a gray background, others were colored (see screenshot). All the details have been optimized.

  • iPhone – Mercanti dell’Opera – Table

iPhone Mercanti dell'Opera

For the text has been retained font with serifs (see screenshot) now hallmark for ePub de il Saggiatore, full of glyphs. For tables has received a long and narrow sans serif font, always full of glyphs, chosen to optimize the display of tables, especially those with many columns. Obviously was maintained both the background color of the cell that that of the font.

  • iPhone – Mercanti dell’Opera – Table fonts

iPhone Mercanti dell'Opera

  • iPad – Mercanti dell’Opera – Images and Table

iPad Mercanti d'Opera