eBook: Tirature ’12 Graphic Novel. L’età adulta del fumetto

Copertina: Tirature'12 Graphic NovelPunto Acuto has created the eBooks in ePub version of “Tirature ’12 Graphic Novel. L’età adulta del fumetto” published by il Saggiatore and Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori.
This is the annual publication edited by Vittorio Spinazzola. This year is dedicated, as the title says, the Graphic Novel.
Recommended to all lovers of this genre because it speaks of his birth and some of the best-known publications:

The first comic book that shows the cover the words graphic novel, appears in the U.S. in 1978. This is the famous The Contract With God di Will Eisner

As regards the realization of theeBook: has been revised throughout the layout to maximize the reading on the various electronic media and at the same time has tried to keep it as close as possible to the printed book. It was in fact maintained the font for the title and for drop cap.They were also eliminated all the leaders in automatic,entered all the uppercase and small caps (as they know the experts are peculiarities in the transition between paginated and eBook may be lost), the same argument applied to accents placed in a simulated printing that have been inserted properly viewed with the font choice.

iPhone Tirature 12 struttura accenti

Finally also tables have been treated to make them available for a clearer view on the small supportiPhone (both in the new version of that night reading in the traditional). With one click we have available with title e caption always present.

  • Table – iPhone

iPhone4 Tirature '12 Table

It was then revised to graph a table so low as to render it suitable for digital media and especially with selectable text (no longer a simple picture).

  • Table in the paper book – Low quality

Table in the paper book - Low quality

  • Table graphically enhanced and optimized for ePub

Table graphically enhanced and optimized for ePub

  • iPad tables by Bonelli

iPad Bonelli

  • Pdf Tirature ’12 – Google Books Preview